
The Board of Trustees convenes the standing committees listed below.

Library Board Development and Evaluation Committee

Library Board Development and Evaluation Committee Charge

The Board Development and Evaluation Committee is designated by the Chair of the Library Board to support the Board’s professional development and to evaluate its activities.

Our responsibilities are:

  • To participate in orientation activities with the Chair of the Library Board and the Library Director
  • To coordinate/facilitate Board development activities and/or opportunities (e.g., retreat)
  • To communicate Board development activities and/or opportunities (locally, regionally, nationally)
  • To evaluate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Board in regard to its ability to meet its objectives/goals and identified/assigned tasks

(Approved by Trustees, 6/10/08)

Policies Committee

Policies Committee Charge


In accordance with the By-Laws of the Durham County Library Board of Trustees, the Policies Committee is appointed by the Board to oversee the Library’s Policies related to its books, resources and facilities. The Committee is charged with reviewing the policies and making recommendations to the Director regarding the policies.

What the Committee Does:

The Policies Committee is responsible for ensuring that the policies

  • Are submitted to the Committee in a timely manner, following the policies’ review schedule.
  • Are reviewed in a timely manner.
  • Support the Library’s goals and objectives.
  • Meet the needs of the public and are written so as to be easily understood by both public and the staff.
  • Are most current when posted to the Library’s website.

How the Committee Functions

The Committee begins its function when it receives policy or regulation drafts prepared by the library staff. The Committee then begins to search out appropriate sources for further input and information. Once the information is gathered the Committee then prepares a final draft and submits it to the appropriate parties for approval.

(Approved by Trustees, 5/13/08)

Advocacy Committee

Advocacy is an important function of the Library Board of Trustees and therefore the responsibility of each board member. Trustees play an integral role in advocacy for our library system and in doing so ensure that the library has the resources it needs.

The role of the advocacy committee is to ensure that each board member understands ways in which they can advocate and hold each board member accountable. The advocacy committee is also responsible for planning at least one advocacy event each fiscal year.

Roles of advocacy that have been discussed or occurred in the past include but are not limited to:

  1. Attending at least one program per month and wearing Library Board of Trustees name tag as identifiers of BOT.
  2. Revamping the Advocacy Breakfast and/or developing other advocacy events.
  3. Introducing speakers at library events when requested.
  4. Letter of support for needed resources to the County Manager and/or Board of County Commissioners.