Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports is the most authoritative resource for product information. Published by a non-profit, independent test organization, it’s one of the most popular magazines in the world. Our access provides full text and images from 1991 to the latest issue.

Consumer Reports can help you:

  • Compare the quality and cost of major purchases, like cars or appliances, before you buy.
  • Find unbiased information about safety issues, such as determining what foods are safe for your baby.
  • Get the latest performance information about an industry or product. That information can help if you’re starting a business or patenting a product.

Accessing Consumer Reports

Access Consumer Reports here. If you’re not in a library building, you may be asked for your library card number when you sign on. If you have any trouble with access, get in touch.

Searching Consumer Reports

Once you’ve signed in, there are two way to use Consumer Reports.

  • Browse: below the search boxes, the right side of the homepage has a list of years, which you can expand to browse to a specific issue.
  • Search: look for the “Search within this publication” search box under “Consumer Reports” and enter your search term. From the search, you can use the filter and other buttons near the top of the page to narrow your results. The search box will now have JN “Consumer Reports” AND “your search term”. If conducting another search in Consumer Reports make sure to leave JN “Consumer Reports” AND there, and just edit the search term (for example, JN “Consumer Reports” AND cell phones).

When you see a list of articles, you can click each title to read a short abstract and find out what the article is about. To see the article as it would appear in print (with its magazine layout and photos), click the “PDF” link under “Access Options.”

Consumer Reports is provided to Durham County Library via NC LIVE.