Filming and Photography Policy


This policy applies to individuals and organized groups who are engaged in a professional photography or video shoot. This includes any person(s) using a non-basic camera for the purpose of shooting for a graduation, proposal, birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.


The Filming and Photography Policy defines the criteria for professional photography and/or filming on Library grounds.


Commercial filming and photography are not permitted at any Library location without express written permission from the Library’s Public Relations Officer and the Library’s Building Manager. We will do our best to accommodate members of the press.

Library patrons may shoot non-commercial film or photography for their own personal use (with no professional equipment, lighting, etc.) on library grounds, but must respect the privacy and well-being of other patrons in the area.

Commercial photography/filming will only be allowed if the Library’s Building Manager has given their written permission before the shoot. All photography/filming requests will be reviewed and approved based on occupancy, availability, and content. All photography/filming requests must include:

  1. Name of all persons attending the photoshoot/filming
  2. Date, time, and purpose of shoot (graduation, anniversary, etc.)
  3. General equipment breakdown of photoshoot/filming
  4. Duration of photography/filming

All photography/filming must not capture the general public, library staff, security, or any persons in the backgrounds of the photography/filming shoot.


All library customers and staff, while on library premises, have the right to enjoy a library experience that is free from threat, harassment, lewd or disruptive behavior. To ensure this, library customers, while on library premises, must not: block access to aisles, doorways, stairways, walkways, elevators, ramps, service points, bookstacks, or computers; ask anyone to move from the ideal photo/video shooting area; set up professional equipment in meeting/conference or study rooms; leave any equipment and belongings unattended; possess or consume alcohol, smoke, including e-cigarettes, as props for shoot; wear inappropriate attire for public places; and use meeting/conference/study rooms as a dressing/changing room; use bathrooms as a dressing/changing area;


The library reserves the right to remove all persons in violation of this policy from library buildings and grounds.


It is the responsibility of all public service staff and facility supervisors to understand this policy fully to ensure fair and equitable application. It is the responsibility of the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director for Planning and Facilities, with the advice of the Board of Trustees, to interpret, monitor and recommend updates to this policy. The Library Director is the final authority in regard to enforcing this policy.


  1. Durham County Library Courteous Conduct Policy
  2. Large Meeting Room and Study Room Policy

Effective July 1, 2024