Group Visit Policy
This policy applies to organized groups of five or more individuals (adults and/or children), including such groups as those from childcare centers and homes; nursery schools; local public, charter and private schools; scout groups; day camps; adult education programs; adult day support programs; and other institutions and organizations. The Group Visits Policy defines the criteria for visits to the library by schools and other groups.
Library resources are provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all individuals of Durham and surrounding counties. The library encourages use by schools and other groups and seeks to provide programs which address their particular needs. The library offers orientation tours, computer catalog training, and programs which promote the use of its resources and the love of literature and libraries. To make resources and services equally available to all patrons, the library provides services to groups within the criteria outlined in this policy.
Group visits must be prearranged with the appropriate department (2 weeks prior to visit), regardless of the purpose of the visit, to ensure that library staff is prepared and that there are no conflicts with other events that are occurring at the same time. The criteria for service to groups may vary depending on individual library conditions and service objectives.
The library will schedule appointments for group visits based on a policy of “schedule permitting.” Visits will be scheduled only when sufficient library staff is available to maintain normal library services while providing service to the group.
Unscheduled groups will be courteously accommodated when circumstances allow. The library will inform the leaders of these groups of the Group Visits Policy and ask the groups to pre-schedule their future visits to the library with the appropriate department.
Discipline is the responsibility of the group leader. The library requires that the group provide one adult supervisor (age 18+ years old) for every 10 attendees, who will stay with the group at all times to maintain proper library behavior as outlined in the library’s Courteous Conduct Policy.
The library reserves the right to limit group size to ensure that general library operations are not disrupted. The library reserves the right to limit the number of visits per group per year.
Violators of this policy may be subject to exclusion from library buildings and grounds and may lose library privileges. Violations of the law will be referred to local law enforcement when necessary and criminal behavior may be prosecuted under the law.
It is the responsibility of all public service staff and facility supervisors to understand this policy fully to ensure fair and equitable application. It is the responsibility of the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director for Planning and Facilities, with the advice of the Board of Trustees, to interpret, monitor and recommend updates to this policy. The Library Director is the final authority in regard to enforcing this policy.
Durham County Library Courteous Conduct Policy
Effective July 1, 2024